Huelal Totga: Worked on Flyer. Talking about the upcoming events of Hualel Totga and how the position could possibly be share by two volunteers. Trying to set up an social media account – didn’t work out with the email. Aircompressor leak repaired.
Yuyo in general: Worked and finished a new cabinet.
worked on the concept for guests which want to get rid of damaging behaviours.
Machete Training with new Volunteer
Ordered electrical, drainage and guttering material and unloaded delivery.
Cutting plastic trash
House area: extensively removed termites from the crooked house and started cutting down a fallen tree. Planted 1 Gabilana and 1 Papaya, built a support structure. Mowing and cleaning with machete. Cleaning the hallway. Transported the wood from there to the pigsty. Planted 6 pots with chile dulce, 5 basil and furthermore cut down the uprooted shrubs and trees. Finished the shelf in the bathroom.

. Repaired staircase. Platform at the exit from the studio to the future composting toilet demolished, concrete rubble taken to the street, old construction wood transported to the fireplace. Ant nest removed from food cupboard, cupboard dismantled. Made a fire, disposed of garbage, cleared away the demolition
New Compost plant: Worked on the long, upper side of the new composting plant on the drainage and removed a layer of concrete with Hilti. Concrete rubble from excavation work on the drainage system was brought to the road, and further drainage was excavated around the composting plant. Started to free backside (with water leakage) from earth and concrete (with Hilti) in order to fix the hole.
Canela fields: transported old wood, cleaning, cutting banana trees, mowed this section and cleared section with mower and machete. Planted 1 Passionfruit tree
Foso del Serpiente Fields: Mowing and cleaning
Old Pigsty Plant: Sorted construction woods there.
Bread-Fruit-Plant: Cleaning the area around a banana plant from Katuk. Cropping Katuk. Cutting along the Katuk ways. Harvesting a lot of Katuk.
Huelal Totga: Worked on Flyer. Talking about the upcoming events of Hualel Totga and how the position could possibly be share by two volunteers. Trying to set up an social media account – didn’t work out with the email. Aircompressor leak repaired.
Yuyo in general: Worked and finished a new cabinet.
worked on the concept for guests which want to get rid of damaging behaviours.
Machete Training with new Volunteer
Ordered electrical, drainage and guttering material and unloaded delivery.
Cutting plastic trash
New Compost plant: Worked on the long, upper side of the new composting plant on the drainage and removed a layer of concrete with Hilti. Concrete rubble from excavation work on the drainage system was brought to the road, and further drainage was excavated around the composting plant. Started to free backside (with water leakage) from earth and concrete (with Hilti) in order to fix the hole.
Canela fields: transported old wood, cleaning, cutting banana trees, mowed this section and cleared section with mower and machete. Planted 1 Passionfruit tree
Foso del Serpiente Fields: Mowing and cleaning
Old Pigsty Plant: Sorted construction woods there.
Bread-Fruit-Plant: Cleaning the area around a banana plant from Katuk. Cropping Katuk. Cutting along the Katuk ways. Harvesting a lot of Katuk.