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120 (Cientoveinte) also called Hundrettwenty


  1. Kattuk – clean good and take only good leaves and check them for spiderweb and other ‘contamination’ 100g
  2. Miembre – one or two adult miembres = approx. 50 g
  3. Drinkwater – 200 ml
  4. Orange – juice of one complete
  5. turmeric – full teaspoon of first class turmeric powder as offered in the Yuyo shop
  6. Banana – half Banana
  7. Pepper – fresh crushed black pepper half teaspoon
  8. Onion – 30 gramm
  9. Sweet Beet – 80 Gramm
  10. Mango – complete small or half big mango. Approximately 125 gramm

Only original with Miembre (secret ingredient) and Kattuk. With other ingredients its only a 96, not a 120!

All to be mixed in a good mixer, if it is too sticky add more water.
