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Checkliste Yuyo Wwoof Videocall

  • Vegan Project: Meat, eggs, fish not allowed at site; cheese and milkproducts are tolerated in the volonteers kitchen but will not be bought by host
  • Drugfree Projekt: The consume of drugs is not allowed at site. Alcohol and Nicotene are drugs. Also we do not want to see people at the proyect who are under servere effect of drugs, especially not during working time. We wouldn´t check if someone had a beer or a joint of Marihuana coming back from town, but if there would be heavy drug related behaviour we would not leave that uncommented and it could lead to a ending of the volonteership.
  • Physical work: The proyect requires physical fitness and endurance. You will work at the site doing planting, harvesting, cutting weeds, digging earth, offering helping hands at construcion works for permaculture infrastructure such like: Compost plant, greenhouse, compost-toilet, rainwater filter system, others. The work is sometimes hard and often it is hot and humid. Therefore we offer regular breaks every …
  • Working during rain: