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Freedom from harmful habits and addictions Participant- Questionnaire

Telephone number? _______________________

  • telegram or signal phone number? ______________________(if different from 1)
  • E-mail address? _____________________-
  • what day did you arrive in Yuyo?
  • when do you want to leave? _________________
  • room? Chilamate o Tucan (underline the room you stay)
  • are we allowed to take pictures and/or videos of you with prior notice, for example, during your activities here? ________ (Yes/No)
  • may we publish them on our website, e.g. if they turn out well? _____ (Yes/No)
  • You want to be part of the Telegram group Yuyo-volonteer-community? _____ (Yes/No)
  • are there any medical conditions we should be aware of, e.g. allergies, etc.? ________ (yes/no)
  • if yes, which ones? _____________________________________________________
  • What is the harmful behaviour you would like to get rid of (e.g. drugs, cigarettes, licor, over-eating, gambling, pornografy, etc.)?
    if more than one please prioritize which one you consider is the most important for you to get rid of.
    • 1)______________________________________________________
    • 2) _____________________________________________________
    • 3) ______________________________________________________
